Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spring Snow and Blue season

Well, if we can get this weather pattern settled down, maybe we can get this Spring Season on the way. Thought we would be occupying the pits, before now, but the weather will not act like “spring”, long enough. I think we have customers for this week end, so we will have to be there, good or bad weather.

Have seen some birds. Last Fri, and we were working out at the lake , setting decoys, cleaning blinds, etc. We started work at 7:00 am and almost immediately we were seeing geese, both Canada and S&B’s, I think there had been 9 or 10 flock (of Sky Carp) by the time I got out of there. I left at 8:30, so that was a pretty good push. Ralph and Dax, did go set in the pits, for awhile, after I left, but passed up shots, just to enjoy the Canada activity, For those of you that do not live in the area, since then, we have had 2 snow storms and another in the forecast. Why should it be different, because winter is never over, until Easter, and that is still over a month away. There is still more work to be done before we can say “we are ready for the spring hunt.” But we will get there sometime.

I have taken a picture of the spread, but the quality is so bad that I will not include. I don’t know, weather I have a dirty lens, or some other reason but, it didn’t come out.

This is my fifth day in the battle with the flu. There has been two, good thing, come out of that. No. One: I have it out of the way before the season. No. Two: I have proved most of the people, that know me, they are wrong. If they were right, my weight would be about 142 lbs now but, I am still over 250, but the belt is about 5 holes shorter than it was before I got sick. That is the excuse I am going to use for not getting this report posted, before today.

So Keep checking back and I will try to keep you updated on all the happening

Also as always please keep all our hero’s, in your prayers, and please check back

See Ya Carl

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