Thursday, December 23, 2010


Well we closed up shop on Monday and I have no excuse for no posting before today. There is no shortage of geese in Burt County but there is a shortage of them, out around our blinds. For some reason it was a vacuum in the skies for the whole season out there this fall. Just a few miles north, those spreads were having one of the best season ever. A couple years ago, we had one single day when we harvested as many Canada’s, as we totaled for the whole season this fall. The ducks were not much better. Was a long hard year for Ralph, this fall.

There were 3 Canada’s that we took between this report and the last report I posted. Don’t remember just why but for some reason I could not get a report written so I just kept putting it off in hope there would be a day I could incorporate it into, but it just didn’t happen.

Was some memorable things that happened through the fall other than a bad season. Did have some interesting new hunters and had some hunter that have graced our pits, in the past, come back and set with us again. That is the fun side of my job out there. For two days I had a combat Vet, who was injured quite severely in Iraq, that sat beside me. It was an honor to talk with him. He is one of the reasons I can ask for a bed time prayer, at the end of these post.

Well thanks for all of you that checked us out this fall and please check back for the spring hunt. It just has to be a more successful hunt.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you, and please keep all our hero’s in your prayer

See Ya Carl

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