Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The Number Went Up Again Today

Sorry about last night report, but I was so exhausted that I could not put one together.  It was one of those evening where I had run out of gas.  So I will catch you up the best I can.
Monday.  All the birds were, pretty early.  Had only two flocks in, we totaled 9 for the day  Then they just shut down.  Of course as you leave there has to be the flock that shows up automatically, just to hurt your feelings.  Boss said we would have been in to them, because they were at the right height.  I will not comment on that statement.
Today's action; another early shot.  Before 9:00 we had 3 go-a-rounds.  Did not put that many birds down but the percent of harvest was good.  What I am saying the flock size is small, but we have been wiping out most of every group.  Especially when the last, go around, was a small group of Ross geese and they were just teasing us with several high (50 yd) pass over us and, before the boss called a shot.  Took a couple, out of them.  Tough shot as well as a tall shot.  We have had so much trouble decoying them this year.  Most years the Ross goose has been the easiest to decoy, but this is another year for them.  In defense of the birds, today, we had no wind and the lake is froze over.  But that has not been the case every day, there has been times, with what you would describe as real good and they found a way to, still ignore us.

We pulled the plug at 2:00 today.  Well this was another day that we have to describe as a powder burning day.  Some how we scratched our way up to, 20 birds in the bag.   Think we had 5 or 6 go-a-rounds.  But the exciting thing is, when we come out this morning, we were shooting for a total for the spring of 275!!!!  Well we went right past that with ease today.  Now we are shooting for the mark of 300, and we are short, of that mark by just 18 birds.  Short on guns tomorrow, but we will try to reach it anyway.

Sorry about no posting yesterday, but the body just run out of gas.

Again I want to remind you to remember the troops in your night time prayers, and also please check back to see it we hit 300 for the spring. 
This is the first spring when we went into April still shooting birds.  Sure does feel if it is a long spring, and it has been.  Most years we get about three weeks.  Most years we start the last week of February, but we didn't get started until after the first of March.  Well here it is the 2nd of April, and I am still posting reports.  
See ya.  Carl 

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