Sunday, December 01, 2013

We are seeing more birds

Thanksgiving day,
There was a small group of us, that ventured out on, thanksgiving morning.  I had some family with me the included a grandson, two granddaughters and two son in laws.  There was also four hunter from Wichita, Kansas area.   After several hours discussing different subjects, including the bird less skies.  Which is almost unbelievable since starting with a great hunters wind, from the northwest, causing a biting wind chill, that put us on the seats and in the comforts of the blinds heaters.  As I say we had discussed about every subject there is, and consumed a huge breakfast.  One of my granddaughters, has spent time in the blind, so is aware of how and what we are hunting.  The granddaughter that had never been in the blind before, looked into the skies and said there are some birds.  Yes there was, there was about 35 mallards, giving our decoys a look.  We got the boss on the birds and with a few quacks on his call, he had them on a pattern that brought them with in range of our smoke poles.  He gave the command and our guns blazed away, thinning the flock some.  Within a few minutes we had another mallard that thought he liked the drainage ditch, for his resting place, but could not resist the sweet sound of my grandsons call, and made the fatal mistake, of checking it out.  Everyone left the blind before 12:00 noon, with a feast waiting at a family table.           

Early this morning was the first morning that we have seen ducks, like we have see ducks back a few years ago.  Even tho we did not get shots, we had flocks with large number of birds, in it.  The past few years we have had flocks with 6-30, but this morning we had flocks that had 30 up to 125, and if you want to throw in high flyers that didn't decoy, a couple hundred in a flock.  All mallards and how refreshing it was to see this.  There were decoy adjustments because we had not allowed enough room for the larger flocks.  Is a little depressing that the larger flocks, we didn't get a shot from, but so refreshing to see mallards in large number again.  By the time we got the decoys right, they quit flying.  We got into just one flock and harvested a few.  Also got into a small flock of Canada's that was about the total activity for today.
Again tonight I am asking for prayers for the troops that are serving and protecting us here at home.   Also if you can find the time please check back. 
See ya      Carl   

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