Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A powder burning day

Mother nature was so good to us today. She started out with a great painting in the eastern skies. And then she provided us with a wonderful hunting day too.

The Heart Break Goose was on the move. We must have seen 12 to 15 flocks of Specks, through out the day. Had about a half dozen flocks that did a decoy job, but would never go all the way. They have so many ways to break your heart. The first bunch was a small flock of 8 and they almost made the big mistake, but some how got smart and left us setting and wondering, just what we did wrong. There was several flocks today, that numbered around the 20-30 bird size flock. They would swings us several times and then head on South. Never the less, they made the day, worth being there. In between flocks of the Specks we had Ducks. All kinds, including some Mallards. They were a little kinder to us, and gave us a few shots at them. I think we had 4 go-a-rounds on ducks and one go-a-round on a pair of Canada’s. Most of the guys had to lighten there shell load by at least a half a box, so that always means a good day when you shoot that many shells.

So far I think the boss is happy with the setup of the lake, but the jury don’t rule until we have a few North and Northwest winds.

The only predictions I am making this year is, that 40% of the birds that we harvest with a Northerly wind, will splash down, on the shore line. Shore line is: the distance from blinds to water edge, and the same distant out into the lake that far. So lets say it is 20 feet from blind to water and then 20 feet out into the lake too. The lake looks so good, and they sure have been right over us so far, but we have not had a north wind of any type. That is the forecast for tomorrow, as you would expect, I wouldn't miss tomorrow for nuttin. 10 to 15 MPH with gust to 25MPH.

I'll let you go. Remember as always Say a prayer for all out hero's in you prayers tonight.

See Ya Carl

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