Friday, October 31, 2008

Copy Cats

I had one of my daughters that called me the other day and told me “Dad do you realize that you have a competitor, in this waterfowl blogging”. Of course I had no idea, of what she was talking about, so I asked for clarification, of her statement. So she explained there is another group of guys hunting on this Missouri river bottom, that have a blog. I said you mean there are copy cats out there. She said I don’t think they are copy cats, but they are writing storied about their hunts, too. So again I reminded her they were copy cats. She then said “you best read their reports before you put them down”. Then she went on to tell me that they are some hunters from North Omaha, Well really Blair, and she thought they worked at some small car dealer down in Blair. So I said “there professional tire kickers, you can’t trust those dudes” Again, she thought I should just get on their site and read some of their reports, they are really good writers and some of their stories have humor in them, and lots of pictures. So I asked, are the pictures “croped” and throughout the story or just on top. She said wherever they want them. Damn kids know just how to do all that fancy sh--a-stuff. She said they had a duck for a logo, and I reminded her, I had a picture of 79 Canada’s in a pile for a logo, and a character, of a duck, was stupid, and didn’t cut the mustard with me. Then she said they used names like SURESHOT & COMANDO, or something like that. She thought they were much cooler names that KILLER KARL, she is out of the will. Well, you know there is another case of being a copy cat. They are duck call names, and they copied them and Killer Karl is original, and there is only one of them and there is thousands of them calls. Bet their smoke pole don’t have a name like mine does. WAR EAGLE. They probably hunt with a Marlin bolt action goose gun. Probably thought Bill Callahan was a coach too.

So I begun to do a little investigating and I found out that they drive a new Dodge Pickup ‘whoopee’. Well I drive an old Dodge Van and it lets you know I am coming and it has plenty of experience, of getting me to and from the pits. Dodges are good at doing that. So maybe they have just a little class, if they like Dodges. Suppose they have a Chrysler Van too??

So then I went and check their site out, and I do have to say, I did enjoy reading their writings, so if you are a rocking chair hunter and enjoy reading about the real action, in the pits. I suggest you go to, their site and get another point of view of the “going ons” here in Burt County Nebraska. Their address is They hunt some sandbar up North of Kohler’s, also, I think you will enjoy their writing, even if they are COPY CATS.

Now to the serious side. Had good number of birds early, but no wind to make them work. I think there was 7 or 8 nice flocks of Specks, a flock of 30 Snows and Blues., along with just a few ducks. This was all before the wind come up. When the wind picked up, the birds stopped, with the exception of, right at noon, and then we seen the last flock of Specks. Also did have a couple of Green heads that really out smarted us and got in the pond unmolested.

One of these days we will have a hammering day again. Remember all the young people that are protecting us, in your prayers

Check back, please.
See Ya Carl

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