Hunters, Please pay attention to this. You need to purchase your hunting license, ON LINE before you come this way. There is a place you can purchase it in Blair, but have no idea of where that is, or their hours, at this time. I am going to do my best to give you step by step instructions, but I did not get it right myself, on the first try. Rockie asked me to get his on Sunday, and messed up, so today I had to call them and get it straighten out. They accept VISA & MASTERCARD, credit cards and or Bank Cards. If you are 29 or younger you will have your FIREARM HUNTER EDUCATION I D NUMBERS too.
Number one caution. If you have ever, had a license before from Nebr. They have your profile already, and have that under last name, date of birth and last 4 numbers of your SSN. It didn’t look like there was enough info so I backed out and I that is where I messed up. Then when I got into where they were getting all the good stuff on you again, Read everything very good. The last question almost threw me. The one about if you have had your license taken away or are behind on child payments. READ IT GOOD. Because you have to answer it yes. No. one thing, do not back out once you started, because they are not going to issue two License without them knowing it is a duplicate, because you have lost the other one.
So the best plan of attack is to have your License before you get to the café in the morning, of the day you plan to hunt. Just take your time and you will be OK, but do not assume anything, and read the line good. The guy in Lincoln made me aware of the last question, and told me that is the No. one Mistake.
I got on the right site by Goggling “Nebraska Hunting License”, going to their home page and then clicking on License and Fees.
Yes we are hunting, and I will be out there soon.
Remember the troops in your Prayers, and Please check back
See Ya Carl
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