No wind and light fog, early. I say light, there had to be about a ¼-1/2 mile visibility but that is not much when you are looking for birds in the clouds. The wind got up, in the NNW just a little, about 11:00 and blew the fog out and some of the clouds. Especially the low hanging clouds, and then we started seeing some birds. First off the only thing we could decoy was singles and small flock of 2 or 3. The crew was making short work of them too. Later the sun pop out some and brightened up and another big adjustment of the decoys and then we were attracting larger number of birds. I think the highlight of the day for me was, a flock around 40 birds that we called in and they were settling into the pond off the end of No. 1 pit. The boss will never call a shot where you are shooting over other blinds. There were already some birds on the water and then there was a group of about 7 snows was dropping straight down to join them with their feet down. I don’t know just why, when a goose drops his feet it gets to me but it is something I know I will see in my dreams tonight. We got them up but they were to wide for us to call a shot on, but the sight will be with us for some time. I almost forgot to say that before good light, and after legal time, we had birds all over us, but we were not sure there was no specks, so could not call those shots. And believe me when I say there was a couple of great shot we missed out on there. Another sight in my dreams tonight
Since my last report there has been some shooting so I will try to catch you up on the harvest. Tuesday we took 5, yesterday there was only one harvested. Today it was around 25. Not for sure of total because there is still a blind full hunting and we had some traveling hunters, that left about noon and they took birds with them.
Mother is wanting to kick up her heels tonight since is St. Pat’s day and we also have a couple of Grandkids that have birthdays on this day. Rare thing for us to have two grandkids with a birthday, on St Pat’s day and they do not have the same parents. Anyway we best make a call to both of then and wish them a happy B’day.
As always say a bed time prayer for the troops tonight and please check back
See Ya Carl
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