Friday, December 08, 2006

Our master painted another great picture for us to watch unfold at the pits this morning. I know this is a hunting sight, but my love for pretty sunrises, sometime puts the hunting on the back burner. So just maybe soon, there will be a picture worthy of posting, that will not be a sunrise.

Next on the agenda, is for you members. If you want to go hunting, this coming week, please let either Ralph or me know that you are coming. We will be there if some one is coming. We will be there through this week end, so showing up unannounced is just fine. But this coming week please touch base with one of us and we will be there. There is still a large number of Canada’s at blue lake just north of us and there is still plenty of birds in So. Dakota, but who knows when they will start to move. There is a great forecast of weather coming our way, this next week, so as far as weather shutting us down, that is not going to happen.

With nothing else to report, except the Cubs landed a pitcher, and are still shopping. In my opinion they should be looking for a pitching coach, and get rid of Ol’ Sore Arm Rothschild.

Until we touch base with some hunting news again, Always include our Military personnel in your prayers. Ask our maker to bless their families, this holiday season, too.

See Ya Carl

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