Thursday, March 14, 2013

After the Blizzard

It was really nice out here on Saturday but pending snow was forecast.  Weather forecasts said 1-2 inches.  Well the forecasters got it right for once if you take the - out.  Yes we got 12 inches of the wet heavy (was wet and heavy) snow, with winds up to 40 MPH gusts. The roads were drifted the decoys were a mess, blinds with snow in them.  Well we met out here Monday and done some cleaning up, and back in the blinds again on Tuesday.  Cold north west wind today, but with the understanding that we are to have sunshine latter today.  Not to get out of the thirty's but with a nice warmup through out the week.  Seen and had reports that all the birds that had braved the warmup last week and ventured on north of us, all come back, yesterday.  Those snows and blues are really not like a Canada and can handle the ground covered with snow and dig for food.  They want their food visible, so south for a few days, then another push or try at getting to their breeding grounds, on warmer days.
I left the last report with hunter still in the blinds, with a promise  I would update.
They harvested one more bird, and then on Saturday we took two more.  Not the most for a spring hunt.  Sunday was a day to set by the heater in a warm house as the snow fell and then Monday, was just a clean up.  Tuesday, we enjoying a very cold wind from the northwest, with our eyes studying the skies for birds.  To cold to hunt long, so went to the house before noon.
The bird traffic is pretty slow.  Seen three Canada's, then 8 Canada's, a pair of ducks, and then a flock of 50-60 whitefronts that were heading to warmer places.  Starting to be a long day.  Were getting a little sunshine.  If we could get more sunshine, I think some of this snow would disappear.  But no sunshine and the wind makes it feel like it is COLD.  
Thursday:  the above was wrote on Wednesday, but was some good info, so I decided to include with today's report.
9:30 Thursday, we have received several phone reports of the Snow and Blues on the move north.  These reports come from the Desoto Bend area as well as from Omaha.  So expecting to have data to finish off this report.
First birds at 9:45 no shot. First shot at 11:50. Have had several huge groups,  not much wind, so rough to get a shot.    Second go around at 12:10, at this point in the day, we had visions of a great day.  After our second round, we had another flock that appeared to be promising but they pulled out and the birds  shut off.  I was concerned we were not going to have time to cook lunch.  The bird traffic just died, was a slow boring afternoon.
Departure time is being moved up.  Crews are a little bigger and the sun is coming up earlier.  So be ready the depart town at 6:15 now.  Remember to meet at the mini mart on Sunday.
The picture was taken this morning, at the pits.  You know me and sunrises, so it gets posted
Also remember a prayer for all that are serving our country, in your bed time prayer. 
Also remember to check back
See ya.   Carl.    

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