Tuesday, November 05, 2013


Storms moving in, drizzle and predicted fowl weather for the day.  Hunting in the rain is not to popular, so we had no hunters.  The decision, was easy when the drizzle set in.  We headed to the house.  But before the moisture started we were seeing birds.  Even before it was light this morning, we were hearing geese flying over.  And there was all flavors of geese too.  We seen Specks, Snow&Blues, Ross, and even a flock of Hutch.  Several flocks of ducks, and there were different spices of those too.  Looking like the migration is underway.  It is about time. 
We need this storm to get moved out, but it sounds like it should be gone pretty early in the morning.  We have been saying that we were in need of some weather north, to drive them down.  As the boss, has said many times, "I wouldn't miss tomorrow for Nuttin".   My advice you should listen to the boss, and find a place for your Butt, in the pits.
Best get this posted so you can arrange to get tomorrow off. 
See ya.   Carl 

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