Friday, March 14, 2014

Slow hunting but some great shooting, and a full bag

Back in the pit today.  The weather is pretty much what you want, if planning a day of hunting.  Right now just legal shooting, we have clear skies, nice wind of about 10-12 MPH out of the north. Later in the day the wind was building reaching over 30 MPH, maybe even higher, when we had gusts.  
Was a pushing the 11:00 hour before we had any action.  Was a flock of about 35-50 that just ventured to close for a group of hunters, with itchy trigger fingers.  Was not a chocolate shot by any means, but wen our crew was sent into action. Done only fair.
At about 12:30 got a big flock in pretty good. Geese down every direction of the blind.  Before the retrievers were back had another new flocks worked. Didn't get that flock to finish. 
Shortly after 2:00 had a flock of 3-400 decoying with about 85 down and into range, went into action, very good harvest on that flock.  It is windy and they do not stick around long after the first shot.   We had around 30 down in the lake on that shot.  Not many were dead, so could not use the DIP.  But the lake was littered with birds.  The crew did well.  Think the final number was 34 out of that flock.
I left with most of the hunters, think I will include a picture.  Total when I left was 54 or 55.  Picture does not include, all birds.  They left some in the parking lot instead of carrying them back to the blind.
Not the most birds in the sky today but we decoyed a good percent.  
Be sure to check back and also remember the troops in your prayers this evening. 
See ya.    Carl  

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