Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I guess I need to put out a report at least every other night or I get E-Mail phone call, etc. So I will try to bring you up to speed on the past three days.
Sunday there was no action, but I tried to up load a picture for all to see. Didn’t get it done
Monday there was a big story and we just as soon not tell you about it and I tried to up load a picture for you to look at and was unsuccessful with the picture
Today I tried to up load a picture, for you all to enjoy and I don’t have the slightest reason to believe it is there, but not for sure. If it is there it is the Sunrise from this morning. Other than the phone calls asking about the hunt yesterday the picture was a terrific sight. Nothing to report for today, except for, four Spoonies.

So here goes on a report on Mondays shoot. We had a fair number of flocks of duck in the area, however we could get nothing into range of our lake, much less in range of our guns. At around 10:30 we spotted a rather large flock of Canada’s flying West toward the West lake. They acted like they were just coming back home and was glad to see it, all were corn shucking etc, like they do when they get to a familiar spot. They leveled off and made an 180 degree turn and headed back to the North lake. About one half way back to the North lake they spotted our spread, and they never pumped a wing from that point on.

Splitting into two groups, there was a flock of about 15-18 birds that was dropping and it was apparent they were planning on a turn over the lake, get behind the decoys and land. Now this puts them sailing right for the blind, coming in with a roaring 6MPH wind, turning right up over the top of our blind. Now remember, the fact they are coming in with this roaring wind, if this is not enough pressure on all the hunters present, but the boss has to inject, “everyone should take three”, see this is the daily limit. Now remember they are riding this strong wind, and are at the extreme range of at least 30 very long yards. Now I must inject we were handicapped because we need more shooters, and these big birds are very tough to harvest. There was the fear that the sun could get into your eyes, so see we all were very nervous. And again I must emphasis, they were coming with the wind, and the pressure, the boss put on us by saying we should harvest three. The command is given to TAKE’EM. Well expecting to see, the area around the blinds, littered with birds, everyone was shocked, when we seen only empty shell casings, and weeds on the ground behind the blinds. We all missed, no birds on the ground. The boss isn’t shooting, so he is laughing, pointing, talking, and dialing. Now I know if they were spoonbills there would have been at least 12 laying on the ground, see they die easy, but these big tough SOB (you all know what SOB means) and can carry a load. You just can’t guess, how far you have to lead a Canada goose coming with the wind like we had, especially when they have it in glide mode. It was a tough shot. It is a bitter pill to swallow to admit we missed.

You would have thought it was on the news, by the phone calls to the blind this morning, and they all demanded a full confession of failure. I DKADT (that means Didn’t Kill A Damn Thing). I had to tell several people that this morning. They all acted like they were a Priest, and forced a full confession from me and demanded a report tonight. I think the Boss is still dialing and talking, too. I sure hope you can understand they were moving.

Remember all the troops in your Prayers this evening
See Ya Carl

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