Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Was a rather exciting day. We had Canada’s all day long. Should have had 50 Canada’s in the bag, at day end, and would have, except for some errors, on some bunches. But it ended with enough birds, in the bag, that no one was complaining, to much.

We had some great shots, great sights and many many sore noses. I must have wipe mine a couple hundred times today, and it is sore. It was a cold day in the pits today. The wind was pretty high and got under the back cover and sucked the heat right out.

There was no duck activity, however there was a few moving, but with this wind they were very high. The excitement was the Canada’s. I think everything got under way around 9:00, when had a nice flock right overhead and we shot very bad, on that flock. I didn’t shoot, because we had some cover on trying to stay warm and I let the guys go, and by me staying down gave them a little more room, to operate in. So with a few lessons we got the crew organized, so they could get the tops out of the way and not make noise, and have room to shoot ETC. Good thing I did, because not to long after that we had a flock we took ten out of. Then the highlight of the day. A flock came in shortly after 12:00 noon had 11 birds in it and all 11 stayed. Most were DIP, but there were a few swimmers. (For those who don’t know DIP means Dead In Pond) I am claiming one. Was one great shot, at my pit. Had other flocks, in but that was the most memorable, flock for me. We ended the day with 37 in the game bag, all were big geese except one Cackler. We had one real big bird today, Ralph really wanted to weigh it because, he thinks it is the biggest bird he has ever seen. It had on huge, wide breast. There is no other way to classify today other than TRIFFIC. Thanks boss for today’s shoot.

Remember to ask, the Big Boss to bless all the troops in your bed time prayers tonight.

Please check back and we’ll see ya


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